Property Requirements

Clarifying your property needs makes your search easier and reduces the chance of you buying a property that isn’t right for you. Just some things to think about:

Will this be a holiday home for just a few weeks a year, (semi) permanent living and /or an investment property? You personally might like a tranquil environment but potential tenants might prefer to be close to the beach or golf course. A relative new area might be cheaper at the moment but do you want to be on a construction site for the next 5 years?

What are the needs of the rest of the family? You might love the panoramic views from the top of the hill but if you have to go up and down to take your kids to school and their friends, after a while you might prefer a more central location.

How big should the property be? How many bedrooms de you really need. Buy something that suits you and not your friends who might visit once every two years. It will probably cheaper to rent a place close by for a week than buy a property with an extra room.

What kind of property are you looking for? A villa with private pool sounds good but you have to take into account maintenance even when you are not there. An apartment with communal pool also might serve your needs.

How important is access to the property? Going over to play golf for a weekend, than it is essential you can get there quick. Good airline services, etc. If you live permanent in a property, driving 2 hours from the airport might not be a problem.

What is important regarding the environment? Not only amenities such as shops, golf and restaurants but also think of healthcare and potential language problems. If you are going to live there it is important that you can make yourself understood. Getting a red wine instead of white one is something you can overcome but if you can’t understand what the doctor says you might have a problem. If you don’t speak the language, can you find doctors that speak yours?

Are your current property requirements still valid in 5 years? Time goes fast, if you think you will just use it as a holiday home but what about your retirement in a couple of years or will your children still come with you on holiday in a couple of years time.

There is no right or wrong answer and nobody can look into the future. However thinking about what you really want and need now and near future makes it easier to buy the right home.